Friday, 19 December 2014

2014 Reflections

I recently received these questions from my business coach Dawn Bentley's newsletter. The questions help you  to reflect on the past year, and in doing so, enable you to consider your goals for the new year. Here are my reflections on 2014 - what are yours?

Fun in Atlanta
1. Best thing that happened to you this year? Attending Christine Kane's Uplevel Your Business Live event in Atlanta courtesy of my coach Elaine Bailey. Not only did I learn some amazing strategies for improving my business, which I have applied, I met some wonderful, like-minded people who have since become friends and mentors. Outside of business, the biggest thing was competing at the PetPlan Area Festivals at Elementary level on my horse, Wilbur.
2. Biggest challenge? Getting clear on what I wanted to offer as training courses within my business, and outside business, overcoming competition nerves.
3. What was most surprising? Playing hockey again after 12 years, and how being fitter makes me feel so much better.
4. One word to describe the year? Enlightening!
Dressage divas!
5. Most valuable relationships that contributed to your success? Help and encouragement from my coaches (Elaine, Kevin, Dawn and Pam) who have such confidence in me and Cathean Ltd. Constant support and belief in my abilities as writer, businesswoman and rider from my partner, Henry. Outside of work, my trainer Gail's unwavering conviction of mine and Wilbur's dressage potential!
6. Biggest challenge this year? Reconnecting with my gut instinct, and going with the flow.
7. What habit did you acquire that made a positive difference? Grounding.
8. What/who was the biggest timewaster? Worry!
9. What else have you learned? Worry doesn't achieve anything but wastes time and energy; I love writing and learning new things; I am surrounded by wonderful people in life and business (cheesy but true!).
10. If you could re-live 2014 again, what would you change to make it even better? Worry less, have more belief in myself and my abilities.

Vision boarding preparation
So, having reviewed 2014, I am in the process of writing my goals for 2015 and creating a vision board.

Monday, 1 December 2014

EMWA Conference: Florence 2015

The EMWA autumn conference last month was as excellent as always, with a mix of workshops, networking events, forums and presentations. Not forgetting the social activities. This conference I attended two workshops: one to brush up my knowledge on writing risk management plans (RMPs) and the other to pick up some helpful tips on how to critically appraise medical literature. Both were  very informative. The Freelance Business Forum, which I co-organise with Alistair and Sam, was well attended. This was the second FBF at which we have had a 'drinks and nibbles' networking session where experienced freelancers answer questions posed by their less experienced colleagues.

I love these conferences - the organisers, workshop leaders and EMWA committee members are friendly and welcoming. At each coffee break and over lunch, you always feel you can join a group and conversation. And, you always meet new colleagues, catch up with EMWA friends and learn something.
After enjoying the walking tour organised by EMWA in Budapest, I decided to join the guided tour around Florence - Henry, my partner, came along too. It was another opportunity to meet more medical writers and their partners, as well as learn some interesting facts about this fascinating city and its cultural heritage. 
Not to mention tasting the delicious ice cream!
I am already looking forward to the next conference which will be held in Dublin in May 2015.